Thursday, December 29, 2011

Possible Problems/side effects

As I mentioned in my blog earlier, I ended up having some hypothermia because of my declaration of war on the mice in my house on saturday....... Well, on Monday, I ended up having to go into the doctor for shortness of breath and irregular heart rate. The doctor told me my oxygen level was at 100% and my heartbeat was VERY fast. They did all kinds of tests on me, and drew blood etc. Now, I have had some issues in the past with panic attacks, and irregular heart rate, but nothing major. This past five days however has been terrible.
I got to thinking about why in the world I would be having such huge problems all of a sudden. It is very possible that it could be stress, I've lived a very high stress life. However, I began wondering if something could have triggered this change, and began looking into the wrap.
Theres all kinds of wraps that can be used, from home wraps to spa wraps, lotioned to heated wraps, etc. One warning I came across though was about EXTREME inch loss. They said that if you lose a lot of inches, it could lead to dehydration, which if too much, can lead to something called Hypovolemic Shock. I am REALLY REALLY hoping this is not what I have now.  ( Long story short, it is a low blood volume shock, caused by dehydration.
" Doctor Claims Wraps Dehydrate
"Be 6 to 20 inches slimmer today by dehydrating yourself? Sure," Herbert said. "And you can also kill yourself … because you can throw somebody into what we call hypovolemic shock. That's low blood volume shock by dehydrating you."

NOW, I have no idea if my problems stem from the use of the wrap or NOT( and I am sure lots of people use it without running into problems), and there are a lot of factors that add into my situation.
1, I ended up having 3 vials of blood drawn to do the testing on, AND 2. that night I started my period. SO, I am sure my blood volume would be dimished further by that, IF this is the case. 3. I also lost 5 inches, which is a lot of inches to lose, and the people of the wraps say 1-3 inches is the usual. 4.I also ended up with some hypothermia the 2nd night after the wrap usage, which I am sure further weakened me. Either way, I think to play it safe, in my case, I won't be using any more wraps. Its just not worth taking a risk. Should I find out down the road that I am wrong and it has nothing to do with what I am going through right now, I will write a submission on here and state it. For now, this is the best explanation I can come to. I am just REALLY REALLY hoping that I DONT have this shock, because you can die from it if it is too severe. SO, for now, I'm laying in bed, drinking lots of gatorade and water, and trying to replenish.
Its been one week since I used the wrap, the doctors had no idea what could be causing my problems, still waiting on a test to come back(thyroid), but all the other things they tested me for came back in the clear. Either way, like I said, I don't know if there is a connection, BUT I wanted to put this out there, just in case. I want people to be aware of the possibilities out there, and I know that IF I had known of the risk of such quick loss could lead to dehydration and hypovolemic shock, I would definitely not have taken this course of use of the wrap, BECAUSE I am VERY cautious about what I put into my body as far as things that can cause medical problems.I had looked at the list and I am not allergic to any of the ingredients, and I did not have a skin rash from it,so I didn't think anything about any possible connections there could be, when I talked to the doctor. Kinda wishingI HAD thought there could be a connection when I talked to them, just so I coulda ruled that out. Anyways, just be cautious when you use this item, drink a TON of water, for  a WEEK after using it, I would say, and dont go doing anything crazy that will deplete you on your fluids either.


  1. Thanks for sharing this info as well. Doctors are right that MOST wraps cause dehydration as you really sweat alot. The It Works wraps doesn't fall under that catagory. Being that you drank so so so much water, how could you become dehydrated? I do hope you feel better!! Will look forward to hearing back on this when you have more info!

    1. I agree they say drink lots of water da estimate body weight if i am correct water releases da toxins that the wraps r getting out

    2. There are many ingredients found in the wraps that are diuretics which cause you to loose water. If you are taking a diuretic it doesn't really matter how much water you drink. It's going to dehydrate your body.

    3. I take diuretics for medical reasons and I use the 'It Works' wraps also. I once forgot to take my pill, but still used the wrap, but it did not make me want to urinate. I was still bloated the next day. I retained liquid. If the wraps would have had the dehydration effect, I would have exptected not to be bloated, but to go to the bathroom as if I had taken my diuretic. But I didn't. So - the wraps did not dehydrate me. I've been loosing about an inch and a half a week. I'm not interested in loosing weight fast, just loosing the fat and the cellulite, and not having such saggy skin.

    4. It is important to drink TONS of water. During a body wrap session there is no such thing as too much water. Some people are more sensitive though. I have never had a problem, I just make sure to stay hydrated. Even the next few days following I will drink more water than I need. Check out there is tons of helpful information on there and recipes if you;re interested in trying them, safely of course :)

  2. Dana, the test results on my thyroid etc came back clear, I was perfectly healthy etc, except for my reaction to the wrap. It was an allergic reaction, and I am not the only person this has happened to. Since writing this blog, I have heard from several others who have had issues with their heart after using the wrap. So, words of caution to anyone using this, or considering using it. It may work fine for you, but there is a chance you will have a reaction.

    1. I have been experiencing very strange things. I am havin extreme difficulty urinating and very strange sensations on my lower body from the waist down. Its only just occurred to me that the only thing ive done differently is the wrap 3 weeks ago. I cannot be sure but ive been tested at the doctors for cervicitis and they cannot find anything wrong with me.

    2. Stacy Billingham, I am so sorry, somehow I missed your comment. I hope that everything worked out for you and you are well now.

  3. Losing weight doesn't always constitute that you will be healthy overall. I would advise you NEVER to put yourself under those conditions and re-evaluate your habits. Freezing your house for a mouse is not an ideal thing to do. Put some traps down and relax.

    1. Hun, I didn't freeze my house to get rid of the mice. I have four kids and would never do that. This was in a separate entry way addittion of the house that isn't insulated well or heated. The reason I tried the wrap is because I had a lot of exceess skin on my belly that I didn't know how to get rid of, and was hoping this would fix it.

  4. dana - IT Works wraps and other products are NOT FDA approved - gee, wonder why?! Dehydration has to do with how much water & electrolytes are in your cells - NOT how much is in your stomach. The unapproved chemicals in those wraps affect the bodies ability to absorb needed nutrients & water.

    1. Island Pixie....NO supplements are evaluated by the FDA...0..zilch..nada....

  5. i used the wrap one evening for two hours and immediately after removing the wrap i had severe shoulder to chest pain and shortness of breath, ended up in the hospital with bilateral pumlonary emboli (blood clots in my lungs). related to the wrap?...not sure but i also had no other reason for getting them. My thought is that you have to burn fat, i believe these just move it around and if thats the case what else is it moving around?

    1. Very sorry to hear of your scary moment there! I hope you are doing better now?

    2. Paula did they ever determine a cause for the blood clots? I just tried my first wrap on my arms and it seems ok so far, but after reading your post I am a little freaked out! I have a little pain in my shoulder and biceps upon touching, but really didnt give it much thought as i have chronic arm pain due to my profession.

    3. Faces,
      good luck, I hope that your soreness is from your profession and not from the wrap. Keep an eye on it, and be safe.

    4. Paula, just came back from the emergency room last night for the same thing. Just did the wrap three days ago!! Same exact thing...blood clots in my lungs, shortness of breath. Doc said it was the wrap. After 5 hours and multiple tests.

    5. Christie,
      That is terrible :( I hope that you are on your way to recovery now. I am glad that the doctor was able to give you some answers though.

    6. I have recently wrapped with more progression. And I am looking up on possible side effects the the wraps may have done. I have been experiencing what people maybe called constipation or bloating and it will not go away I have back pain this started the next morning after wrapping. I have heart pain, and left pain under my rib cage this has to be associated. Never in my life have I had any problems like this. And it's scary. I also am a distributor for 2 months now. I won't be selling these anymore. After reading a bunch of blogs we are having a lot of similar problems. I sure do not want to die of a blog clot. I will go to the ER now...

    7. I have recently wrapped with more progression. And I am looking up on possible side effects the the wraps may have done. I have been experiencing what people maybe called constipation or bloating and it will not go away I have back pain this started the next morning after wrapping. I have heart pain, and left pain under my rib cage this has to be associated. Never in my life have I had any problems like this. And it's scary. I also am a distributor for 2 months now. I won't be selling these anymore. After reading a bunch of blogs we are having a lot of similar problems. I sure do not want to die of a blog clot. I will go to the ER now...

  6. harrumph! Not much more frustrating than a blog that deletes your post when trying to post.

    Paula - the it works wraps do not burn fat, they shrink it by releasing toxins. If you had a reaction it was likely those toxins. Not to say there couldn't be an alergic reaction, I've known folks alergic to soap.

    The wraps can't cause dehydration. You can secure them incorrectly with plastic wrap and do everything you're instructed not to do, like sweat for one. You aren't supposed to sweat with these on as that reduces the ability of the botanicals to enter your pores. Exercise is not recommended for a few hours after for just that reason.

    Nothing is guaranteed for everyone. Wraps can be left on up to 8 hrs but the first one is strongly recommended to be no more than 45 min. for just this reason.

    The wraps do work for the vast majority of people.

    1. U said it i wanna try them

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. If the wraps CANNOT cause dehydration then why is the main ingredient a DIURETIC?!? Diuretics make you release water causing dehydration. Skinny Wraps are not FDA approved and go against everything that I was taught in college studying exercise science. They are not healthy and are a big hoax. They are not a healthy weight loss tool and nor do they actually help you shed pounds.

    5. Ohandy1, I didn't delete your comment?
      Getyoursexyback, please don't be rude to the other commenters on this page. The point of my blog is to share my begative experiences with the wrap, so that people are aware of it. I am not trying to stop people from using them. However I think it is highly irresponsible of the company and anyone selling ANY product to ignore the possible side effects that SOME people do have. Yes, many people use it without issue, and that's great for them. But there are those who maybe have problems with this. To outright say it is not dangerous to anyone and yell at people and discount those who have had issues with it is just plain rude. My mother had rheumatic fever and a heart murmur as a child. As it turns out, as result all of her children have a sensitivity to any accellerants or stimulants of any sorts, herbal or not. We didn't know the extent or cause until a recent medical issue with my mother shed more light on the matter through doctors testing. My point, again, of this blog is to help people be more aware of things they try, and possible reacts that can occure as a result, to make sure they know they can have a sensitivity to something that they were not previously aware of etc. Discounting that possibility is dangerous

    6. Plain and simple....It Works wraps are for lazy people who don't have the ambition to get off the couch and actually exercise!!

    7. @JasonChrome

      That's not completely true. There are some women who use wraps to tighten their stubborn tummy post-baby WHILE exercising and eating healthy!

    8. Jason, I would agree that being healthy and exercising are key. (I have been going to the gym faithfully 5 days a week for the last 2 1/2 years and never felt better.) However I have to say I don't think it is very kind or fair to say lazy, overweight and unambitious people are the only ones who try products to help them along. I personally mostly tried the product in an effort to tighten the loose skin on my belly that was a result of 4 pregnancies. Weight loss was an optional side benefit in my mind at the time. :) There are some things exercise can't fix for everyone. While I am healthy and fit, I don't think my tummy will ever be tight again. I am okay with that now, time and self confidence have taught me that. I have done the best I can with my body, and the rest is what it is, a badge of honor as a mother. :) Being healthy and exercising is great. But I also think we should encourage one another along in an effort to better ourselves, in a positive way. :)

  7. I experienced the same shortness of breath,irregular heart beats, tight chest, it felt like if my heart would almost skip trying to catch my breath. Also I had a few panic attacks and didnt understand where or what they where until I talked to my doctor about my symptoms. I showed her the Its Vital vitamins, the Greens and she said the ingredients looked like a complete set of vitamins. But I completely forgot to mention the wrap! I stoped taking everything and I been Thermofit pill FREE, and wrap free for about 2 weeks and I have not felt the shortness of breath or my heart racing.
    Thanks for Sharing, now I know Im not alone!

    1. There are a lot of people who have pm'ed me or just come up in conversation with, that have had these same problems while using the wrap. I know there are tons of people who use it fine and I am happy that it works for them. However it frustrates and worries me that the company and its representatives are refusing to acknowledge this, and even put those down who have had bad experiences with it. I am glad that you are alright now , and it is always nice to know you aren't alone in what was a scary situation :-)

  8. Everything is not for everyone. People are allergic to peanuts, lactose intolerant and a whole lot of foods out there, just because someone had a allergic reactions to a product doesn't make the product bad. Just move on and try something else. Common sense :-)

    1. Darlin, I am not telling people to stop using it, as I have said several times. The point of my blog was to make sure people were aware of ALL the possibilities. I know lots of people have no problems with it. But there are those that do. And when I was trying it out I never heard of a single bad thing against it. I think it only fair that people are aware of all possibilities before hand, so that they make informed decisions.

    2. There's a section on their website that connects you to a product coach and a Q&A page that lists all ingredients and warnings/possible side effects. Wanted to be safe cuz I know a distributor told me not to wrap while on blood thinners since the wraps can help w increasing blood circulation.

  9. were those of you that had adverse reactions taking any of the fatburner, etc pills also ?!? haven't tried any products yet...just bought a wrap but now im scared!!!

    1. I personally was not taking anything else but regular vitamins at the time of using the product. Honestly, I would recommend talking to your doctor before taking this and asking them if they could conflict. Next, when using the product for the first time, I would suggest having someone nearby, just incase you are one of the people who has a reaction, you can get to medical help quickly if needed. Next, another suggestion if u DO try it, don't just drink water, drink lots of gatorade. Depeletion of electrolytes goes hand in hand with dehydration, and drinking water alone will not give those back to you. Do lots of research, speak with your doctor and use your own gut feeling one way or another. Best of wishes and good luck

    2. Me too!!!! Also wondering the same thing.... though im also scared because i have a Hypothyroid.

  10. Hello,

    I'm currently experiencing all of the above symptoms you listed, and they bagan gradually about 3 weeks ago. I started to look back to see what I had done differently and I tried a wrap for the first time 3 weeks ago. I'm a little scared, and not sure if I should go to the doctor or not (I don't have insurance) I've had 2 panic attacks in the last 2 days. What did they tell you once you went to the doctor? Anything you can take or do?

    1. Hello Aliek. I never went back to the doctor after the first time, because they had done a work up on me and basically told me to sit back and see what happens because they couldn't figure out what was causing it. I got a heart monitor watch and wore it faithfully for the months length of time that it took for the symptoms to go completely away. When the heart racing attack issue would show up, I would just have to lay down and try to control my breathing and wait out the storm. They were terrifying moments, I completely understand how you feel. A few people told me they have had to go on medication for their hearts as a result. It is possible they might say the same to you, if you were to go to the doctor, however its better to be safe than sorry. I would suggest going to your doctor and telling them about using the wrap, take a complete listing of the ingredients with you etc. Since you don't have insurance, do you perhaps have a clinic nearby that takes in those who have no insurance? Perhaps be able to work out a payment method with your doctor? Medicaid? At the very least you could maybe call up the doctors office and ask to speak with a nurse. They won't be able to diagnose you, but they may be able to help you understand your options, or give helpful suggestions on what to try to help. Mine went away on its own, after everything was out of my system and my body was able to recalibrate itself. It took a month, but it did go away, for ME. I wish you the best of luck hun, I hope that the situation resolves itself for you soon and the problems go away. Please keep me informed.

    2. I used IT WORKS two days ago and I had a fever of 101.1 as well as my lymph nodes in my neck are uber swollen as well as the right scalp and neck tender to touch. I've NEVER had this problem before. I'm currently trying to get out of the order I just placed!!!! As you said I can't risk doing a wrap again in case I'm allergic or if the toxins coming out are causing this.

    3. Cheryl I am sorry to hear of he side effects you are experiencing and I am glad they aren't worse! It sounds very uncomfortable and I would agree with you that's probably a good idea to cancel. I hope that the side effects leave your system quickly as well as the fever and discomfort

  11. Anytime there is a change in exercise, diet, topical lotions, wraps, or pills, there is always the possibility of a reaction. If we look at the reason for making this change an option, its because there is something going wrong in our bodies to begin with. We want to make this change to better ourselves. Right? So the product or change we make is on us, to research what effect the change will have on our body. There could be pre-existing conditions. I myself, do mot see a doctor except to have a child, by choice. I have 2 kids (21 and 12 yrs of age). I am 44, athletic build with extra ibs.=^). My parents lost their fight with cancer. My mother's family are diabetic by mid 40's. She had her thyroid removed early 30's, high blood pressure, anemic, congestive heart failure (CHF), migraines, history of pnemonia,and asthma, surgery for an obstruction, gall stones, and hernia, etc.,etc.,etc.. All that to say I am very happy what the wrap has done for me. I say wrap because I have only used one. My skin is firming and toning very nicely. I was losing weight before using the wrap n was worried of all the loose skin that was being left behind. This wrap is taking wrinkles out, toning and firming my body. I will be in a bikini by next Summer. Whoop! Whoop! =) I currently weigh 187 lbs and measure 5'8". Maybe size has something to do with it. Idk. My boyfriend can't keep his hands off of me. Good luck ladies and gents and God bless. Life is too short, let's enjoy what we have of it. <3

    1. Maria, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your parents. And I am glad that you have had no problems with the wrap. Like I've said, much of the general public has no problem with the wrap at all. But many do, and from what I could tell from my own experiences in the matter, those who have had problems with the product are removed and shut down so that no one else is aware of the issues that they DID have. You try things, they don't always work for every person, and like you said every time you try something new there is a chance you could have a reaction. I understood that going into the use of it, and even mentioned my nervousness about trying new things in my earlier blogs. This blog was set up as a means of walking through the process, for those who wanted to try something new in the efforts of reviving their saggy skin and extra fat pounds that they couldn't seem to drop through other means. I was even very pleased with the product in the beginning...until I had my reactions. Then I knew I reacted very badly to it, and it was something that I would never use again. It was a very scary time for me and my family, especially since the doctors were concerned but could give us no clues as to how to fix the situation. I did not appreciate the constant cover ups, and the " its in your head. it can't be our product" replies I received from the representatives that were following my process. They were all too happy to report my images and how well things were going on their pages, until things weren't going so well anymore. And when that happened, they kept my pictures up, but cut me off and removed my concerned questions/comments. And that to me is simply wrong. Everyone should have the ability to make INFORMED decisions when they chose whether to use a new product or not, and whether they are willing to take that chance on something new. And by covering up my concerns, and the concerns of others who had also posted and were removed, they were taking away the opportunity to stay informed of all angles of the product. Again, I am very glad to hear that the wrap is working so well for you, and that you haven't had any problems with it. On this blog I welcome all reactions to this wrap, as it is meant to serve the purpose of informing people, from all of those angles and reactions of the many different people who have used it. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and thank you for sharing your story.

  12. I just ordered it works wrap .... is that the one you used ? Or diffrent company ?

  13. I used the IT WORKS WRAP for the first time (March 2014).. I left it on for 1-hour; no skin reactions. I felt good (energetic) I drank about 75 ounces of water days before, during and after the wrap. Unfortunately, the day after I tried the wrap; I experienced my equilibrium off-balance (felt like vertigo)...since then I been very unsteady with my balance; feel very woozy; extremely tired. I went to the doctor all my test cleared normal. Now 6-weeks later I am having problems walking; feel as if I am falling; I have to see additional specialists to find out what triggered this effect. Its frustrating. I am hoping the wrap did not cause this condition. I was fine prior to using it. I had to place a stop on my auto-wrap until I can figure out what's going on with me. Right now I would not recommend until I can verify the wrap did not cause this condition.

    1. Nirvana, thank you so much for sharing your story. I am very sorry that you are experiencing this problem! I have had problems with vertigo in the last few years, so I understand how debilitating and frustrating it can be. You feel absolutely terrible and nauseous when your balance gets thrown off!
      For me personally, I have found I can make mine manageable with steady allergy medication and balance shifting exercises. My allergies have become severe over the last couple of years. I always had hayfever, but the last few years have been completely wild in the allergy area for me. ( And no, I'm not going to say this is a chain reaction side effect of the patch, because I honestly have no evidence to make a connection there, other than coincidental timing.) At times I get a flare up and I have to take a 5 day course of prednisone to calm things down, probably once a year. Before I found this solution I found that ginger supplements helped take the edge off. If your doctors can not come to a conclusion, perhaps these options may be something to discuss with your doctors?
      I truly hope that whatever the cause of this issue is for you, that it is able to be discovered and solved quickly. It's such a frustrating condition to face, especially when you have no idea what is causing it or how to fix it. Please keep me informed and I hope that all is well for you soon. Thank you again for sharing Nirvana

  14. I thought I would comment real quick and tell you my side of the wraps and products. I am currently a distributor for It Works and have no problems. In fact, I haven't had any of my panic attacks or light headedness and I couldn't eat a lot of foods because they made me feel sick. and I also have 2 children so of coarse I had the loose skin and stretch marks. Ive done the Wraps, taken the Vitals, Green, the Chews, Confienza and I feel amazing even though im usually very sensitive to everything expecially my skin. My boyfriend who also is sensitive to the point he can only free and clear Tide has done the wrap and greens just went to the doctor and his doctor asked him how did he get so healthy in 2 months. He had horrible stomach issues that would make him run to the bathroom and when he would BM there would be blood and he hasn't had the issue after 3 days after starting the greens. He also had "forever" neck pain as to what the doctors said after his car accident when someone hit him and flipped his car 3 and half times and when his seatbelts came loose he landed on his neck. We cut a wrap recently, placed it on his neck/back of his head, 45 minutes later he was able to move without pain and hasn't had even a headache from the pain. I can also say my dad has had amazing results as well. Hes had rotory cup surgery 3 times now and they said he would be disabled, well my mom has been rubbing the defining gel on twice a day and after a week he was able to move his arm up 2 inches more then before where his arm basicly just dangled. And last, my daughter who is 3 is lactose in tolerant and has tummy issues like me, I recently started giving her a little of the greens and she ate ice cream with her grandma on accident and didn't have to run to the bathroom and where she would normally run there after a grill cheese or yogurt she didn't have to. Now im not saying that anyone should use these to cure their problems, I just thought I would add that some of us have had amazing results and you shouldn't be scared of trying them. Im sorry that some of you have had problems but ive wrapped almost 50 people now and not a single one has had a problem with any of the products and I keep every single name and number and encourage them to contact me with ANY questions or concerns and I constantly ask how they are doing because I honestly care and wanna know if ANYTHING is wrong.

    1. I am happy to hear that your family has had so much success with these products, that is wonderful that their pains/discomforts have been eased. I by no means,(and i have repeated this many times) am trying to say that no one should EVER use these products. I do understand that many people use these products without problems. And that is wonderful news for them!
      The point of this blog was to share my experience, and has since then become more. It is now a place that I hope everyone can share their GOOD AND BAD experiences. The thing that most frustrated me about this experience (other than my resulting health issues of course) is the fact that I couldn't find any source of answers. There is nothing but positive information on the web about these products.
      Now, if it was true that NO ONE had issues with it ever, the lack of negative reviews would be a good thing. However, I personally have come to find that there are so many people out there that DO have problems with the product, and they are never heard.
      As I have mentioned before with my own experiences, I was approached by distributors asking to use my before and after pictures for their products because I had had such amazing results. When I later posted about my experience( in a very polite way) my comment was swiftly removed. They said that they didn't want my comment scaring people away or giving the wrong opinion about the product, and rather rudely told that none of my problems could possibly have stemmed from the product because the product was perfect. They took down my comment, but were more than happy to keep my before and after pictures. I asked them to take down my pictures because I could not allow my results to influence others in their decisions, when the distributors couldn't even allow me to share my experience. It left a bad taste in my mouth that they felt the need to hide my experience, and not only that but to completely discredit any of my health issues. It made me wonder just how many other people have had issues with the product and had been shoved under the rug and ignored.
      In truth I have had many people come to me, through this blog and privately in emails, to share with me their difficult and sometimes very serious health issues. They have shared with me similar frustrations and fears as I had.
      Again, I love that this product can help so many. However I do NOT think it is right for the negatives to be hidden away. People deserve the right to make informed decisions. They need to have the good and bad reviews out there so that they can know what POSSIBLE chances they may be taking.
      Thank you for sharing your story with us. I do appreciate the good and the bad. Honest reviews will always be welcome on this page, whether they support my views or not(though I appreciate when people handle their posts with a sense of decorum , manners and respect for others). All I want is for people to be informed, to have a place that they can feel safe in sharing their views, and hopefully finding honest answers to their questions and concerns as well.

  15. I don't think anyone should publish anything negative about any product without written proof that it was. Many people have underlying medical issues that they are not aware of and then blame something new they tried when it wasn't the product at all. I've worked in the medical field for many years and know this to be true. Don't condemn a product that can help people get healthy which could save their lives until you have scientific proof you are correct then it would be ok. There are far more positives I see to using the products than not to. I love reviews but feel this blog is not one of them sorry. Too many unknowns in play here. Just sayin

  16. Also, after years of working in the medical field there is NO WAY the doctor put in his medical notes that the wrap WAS DEFINATELY the medical cause. He didn't know what was the cause was after 5 hrs of testing so he may have said it could have been to you but Guaranteed In his notes it will say cause unknown.

    1. Kim weathers. I have to say that your post has me scratching my head a bit.
      If you have read my entire blog you will see that I have said multiple times that I have no proof that the product caused the medical issues I encountered. I have also said multiple times that I am not discouraging people to use the product. I have pointed out that this blog is meant to show my journey using it. The title of this article even says POSSIBLE side effects. This blog does not make a point of pointing out everything negative about it. Again, I have said several times that I know lots of people have had wonderful results and that I am happy that it works for them.
      My point in this blog was to show my usage of it. If you recall from reading my blog, I was very pleased with it in the beginning and was planning on getting more. When health issues arose, I chose not to use the product anymore. My blog was an honest review, and as such I put my experience out there as a possible reaction because I wanted people to know that it is a possibility and also that it may have been an isolated case. I never once said that the doctor told me the wrap was the cause, much less that they put it in their notes. In fact the doctor never even knew that I had used the wrap, because I didn't think to mention it. (Something I also put in my blog)
      My biggest frustration was with the reactions I got while speaking with representatives about the possibility. I have been met with only hostility or with being ignored. People that flat out refuse to believe the product may have had anything to do with my situation. It is not a posibility to them and I am marked down as a loon for even thinking it. The fact that my concerns (as well as a few other people I spoke to at the time who also did not get any results from the patch) were erased as though they never existed? That is something I condemn, something that is completely frustrating to me.

    2. Now, had it only been me that had this sort of situation occur, I would have walked away from it without another thought. I am aware that some people are more sensitive, some people have reactions that most never would. However as such, it is important for people to know there are possibilities of running into such things, no matter how small the chances. As someone in the medical field, I am sure you understand that. I also think that as someone in the medical field, you know that despite the vast advances in technology and science, we don't know everything nor can we prove or disprove everything. Just because I and others do not have written documentation stating everything in black and white, does not mean our reactions and feelings/opinions are invalid. Again and again I have people messaging me and telling me about their instances, many of them receiving the same reactions to the 'negative' reviews that I did. They thank me for posting this blog, for helping them to not feel like they are crazy for wondering.
      No, this product is not going to hurt everyone that comes in contact with it. I can't even count how many times I have said that. I do not condemn this product as something that needs to be done away with. I know very well that it helps many many people. I do not however agree with the way any concerns are swept under the rug or met with aggression. People have a right to voice issues they feel may have arrisen from a product they pay for and use. And other people have a right to read those reviews and decide for themselves on whether to believe them, whether to chance if they may or may not face similiar reactions. Just like with any product or life decision.
      So, for as long as this blog is helping others make informed decisions, helping those out there who feel they have run into reactions and have no one to talk to about it, this blog will stay up. If you do not feel it is helpful, you are perfectly entitled to those feelings. As I have said before, I welcome all to my blog, supporters of the wrap or not. I will never delete posts or condemn anyone for their opinion, good or negative reviews. I appreciate the same respectful behavior in return, but I leave that decision to the other adults who chose to interact here.

    3. There's always positives and negatives with whateva product you buy. Some people with love it and others wont. some will react and others wont. So, to say that no one should say anything negative about a product is negligence on that person part especially if they work in the medical field. They should know better. If someone has a negative experience with a product they have the right to express their personal findings. And good on them. I for one am greatful for that.I now know what to watch out for and if I decide to be a distributor, I now have all this information about the side affects to pass on to my clients for their own safety. And if they so choose to try the product, at least then, they already know the risks that they are taking.
      Some of you go on about FDA approve. Please, dont even get me started on this. Look at the poison in your everyday food, poison in your medication, pesticide, chemicals being sprayed in the air which we breath in...All approved by the FDA....need I go on
      So, please do your own research before you go backing these cor-operations. Stop listening to other people and stop watching the media for your information. Get off your butts and do your own research. Stop being Monkeys. MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO.

    4. I agree Tytan, research and being informed is key. It is your health, your life, you need to make sure you are prepared for every event possible, before trying new things. :)

  17. It is very easy to avoid most of the side effects caused by body wraps. It is important though to make sure you have no allergies or do a patch test to make sure you don't have any sensitivities to the ingredients. This can even be avoided by customizing your wrap. The main thing is to just do your research. I personally love body wraps and I receive many benefits from them! If you are interested in trying them, but unsure, read some of the articles on I find they are very helpful and informative. There are also tons of tips & tricks and body wrap recipes you can make at home :)

  18. Anyone with hypo thyroid try the IT WORKS body wrap?? I was thinking of giving it a try but after reading some of these reviews i'm beginning to think its a bad idea? My dad has tried these (great results), and i helped him apply them, and left the lotion that got on my hands on my skin to see if I had a reaction, but I didn't.

    I also looked up the ingredients of the wrap and found it contains Bladderwack (sp?) which according to one article, can worsen thyroid issues and cause thyroid cancer. Not sure how much truth is behind that though. This is the internet and i only found that information from that one specific article.

    Its funny though, I searched google for side effects to this product/ or side effects for those with Thyroid issues who use this product and this is the ONLY site I could find that were actually talking about the side effects to the wrap. What The *%#!

    1. That is why I have tried to ensure that my blog stays up and running. When I was researching whether I wanted to use the product or not, I didn't find a single negative feedback on the product. And one would think that is a glowing fact. However, after having had my remarks deleted from the providers posting on FB (talking about the reaction I had, as I mentioned in my blog) it made me wonder if that was a reoccurring matter. If perhaps the lack of negative reviews wasn't simply because it was an amazing product, but because the reviews that didn't give glowing reports were deleted. I am not by any means telling people to not use the product. If someone wants to use the product, they are more than welcome to in my mind. However, my goal is to ensure that they have all of the possibilities open to them, so they can make fully informed decisions. I have often had people email me and tell me that they never found any other sources online laying out the possibilities, and thanking me for keep my blog up and running. For those who HAVE had side effects/reactions (and I know not all do) it is comforting to them, to know they aren't alone, and that it isn't all in their heads. For those who are simply and wisely looking to be informed before making a decision, I am happy that I have been able to help offer another angle on the matter as well, whether they choose to use it or not, and whether they have great results or not :) I am so glad to hear you are doing your research as well, and wish you the best of luck in your choices and future :)

  19. I have hypothyroid and became a distributor because of what the products have done for me! I lost a lot of weight and inches due to the Greens, Thermofit, and wraps. I wrap on a regular basis and have never had a problem. Taking this products has me feeling the healthiest and happiest I have ever been!

  20. I have Atopic Dermatitis and I tried the wrap just to see if I could use it. Well, after 20mins I had to take it off and jump in the shower. It turned my thighs red and broke me out. So now I know I can't use the wrap :( I believe I am allergic to some of the ingredients. I would like to try the other products but I have to read what's in them before I do that. Being allergic to alot of things is a bummer.....

  21. I started using the wraps off 6 days ago I did the first one for the 45 minutes I had no problem as well I did the second wrap started last night and also that might work today and I was having major chest pains I thought I was having a heart attack I was having stabbing pains and couldn't turn my neck I couldn't breathe I continued working and then they said hum I wonder if this is dehydrating me it's probably not good let me take it off and drink plenty of water sure enough I took it off at work and I drink water and believe it or not I was fine for the rest of the day here and now I am getting a few beings this the night after I took it off but I don't really want to use it again I'm scared

  22. I started using the wraps off 6 days ago I did the first one for the 45 minutes I had no problem as well I did the second wrap started last night and also that might work today and I was having major chest pains I thought I was having a heart attack I was having stabbing pains and couldn't turn my neck I couldn't breathe I continued working and then they said hum I wonder if this is dehydrating me it's probably not good let me take it off and drink plenty of water sure enough I took it off at work and I drink water and believe it or not I was fine for the rest of the day here and now I am getting a few beings this the night after I took it off but I don't really want to use it again I'm scared

  23. in hospital doing tests in am chest pains and shoulder will update

  24. I had a horrible experience with using the wraps...never had any health issues before. I have three children and thought maybe I could work on my mom "pooch" a bit. So I took the wraps as directed.I felt weird with the first wrap my stomach was upset a bit and I didn't notice much of a change.I continued to use the rest of the box of wraps once a week on the same day each week.I began feeling more tired than usual but didn't think anything more about it. Over memorial day weekend I ended up in the ER for dehydration, anxiety, and low potassium. I have never in my life experienced anything so scary! I was driving alone (thank goodness I didn't have the kids with me) when my heart started pounding very fast...felt like it was beating out of my chest. I pulled over on the side of the highway not sure was happening...I thought I was having a heart attack or something. I felt super light headed and tryed calling my hubby but he was at work so I had no choice but to call 911. I could barely talk or walk when 911 got to me. I was drinking water all the time so when the hospital ran blood work they said everything came back fine except for my electrolytes were low as well as my potassium was low. I couldn't believe that was what I was hearing! I felt like death but I was dehydrated?! I will never use the wraps again

  25. I had a horrible experience with using the wraps...never had any health issues before. I have three children and thought maybe I could work on my mom "pooch" a bit. So I took the wraps as directed.I felt weird with the first wrap my stomach was upset a bit and I didn't notice much of a change.I continued to use the rest of the box of wraps once a week on the same day each week.I began feeling more tired than usual but didn't think anything more about it. Over memorial day weekend I ended up in the ER for dehydration, anxiety, and low potassium. I have never in my life experienced anything so scary! I was driving alone (thank goodness I didn't have the kids with me) when my heart started pounding very fast...felt like it was beating out of my chest. I pulled over on the side of the highway not sure was happening...I thought I was having a heart attack or something. I felt super light headed and tryed calling my hubby but he was at work so I had no choice but to call 911. I could barely talk or walk when 911 got to me. I was drinking water all the time so when the hospital ran blood work they said everything came back fine except for my electrolytes were low as well as my potassium was low. I couldn't believe that was what I was hearing! I felt like death but I was dehydrated?! I will never use the wraps again

  26. I am concerned about the is a stimulant that can raise blood pressure....raise heart rates and aggravate anxiety. I would love to know if anyone that has caffeine sensitivities has had issues?

  27. Great article with excellent idea!Thank you for such a valuable article. I really appreciate for this great information..
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  28. I am so glad that I found this blog, because it has actually shed some light on a lot of the symptoms and side effects that I have been experiencing over the past 4 weeks since I started wrapping. I have had shortness of breath, chest pain/pressure, light-headed, nausea, weakness, cramping in lower abdomen and upper and lower back. I was in the ER this past Sunday and back at another by Tuesday, admitted and released last night. They ran all sorts of test, including a stress test with imaging and everything came back good. Potassium was a little low and they said my thyroid levels were a little high. So now, I'm really believing that it was the it works wrap that has caused all this turmoil. I WILL NOT be using this product again. People please be careful

  29. I'm from Italy and these wraps have just landed here! Unfortunately I have read tis blog too late... I have already put on the wraps and after the second one I am feeling dizzy, my hands and feet are freezing, chest pain, difficulties to breath, cramps and diahrrea..... I will never wear a wrap again in my life!

  30. Hi Everyone!
    Two weeks ago I tried for the first time Arosha Body Lift Wrap on my legs and breasts. My mission was not to loose any weight but to try a noninvasive solution to lifting since I had two children and my breasts and butt are all saggy. The first treatment took 1 hour and they even connected my legs to some electrostimulating machine in order to additionally stimulate the muscles. During the treatment everything was ok. After just a few hours I was out with my daugther and almost passed out at a drug store. They immediately called ER who then checked my blood sugar, pressure and all regular signs were ok. They didnt take me to the hospital but just gave me an injection of drugs to calm me down. The next days were horrifying and I seriously felt like I was gonna die. I experienced extreme dizziness, my whole body was shaking and freezing, I couldnt go to the toilet without help. After another ER intervention at my home I ended up at the hospital due to extreme dehydration since I couldnt eat or drink. They did all possible tests and nothing came back as problematic. I got 3 infusions and felt finally better. The symptoms lasted for almost a whole week. After that I started to feel better but did not connect this to the wrap itself. Everything felt back to normal for 5 days and just yesterday I had another wrap appointment scheduled. Without hesitation I went for a new treatment and just a few minutes after they applied the wrap on my body I started to again feel dizzy and shaking. I asked them to remove it immediately and I went to wash it off my body. Unfortunately the ingredients had already entered my body and as soon as I came home I got diarrhea and extreme headache and shaking. We called ER again and they said I had a panick attack and again just gave me some drugs which made me fall asleep. After another horrible night without sleep I woke up today feeling again horrible and dizzy. I have been reading about siide effevts of wraps and am now 100% sure that this is the cause of my problems. I had a seriously bad reaction to some of the ingredients and I hope that I did not experience hypovolemic schock. I have been drinking a lot of fluids but still do not feel good enough. Do any of you know how long it takes for these bad ingredients to get out of the body? What else can i do to stop these episodes of panick? Do you think dehydration is the only problem?
